Sunday, July 17, 2016

And just like that, school is a month away.

Each year it seems like summer gets shorter and shorter - weren't we just finishing the school year last week? Summer is a great time to recharge and start fresh for the next year. Over the last week or so I have been scouring Pinterest and other blogs for ideas for next school year.  My 14th year of teaching will be like rebooting my teaching career.  After being on block scheduling - doing alternating days for most of those years, my school will move to a trimester schedule this next year. While I still have a month to wrap my brain around that - and I'm sure I'll visit it through blog posts between now and then - I wanted to start this blog and go through some of the ideas and changes I'm bringing to my classroom this year.

While looking through Pinterest, I stumbled upon an idea that (like all good teachers do) I'm going to steal.  You can see the original post HERE and I really like her idea of having a dedicated space in the room for specific topics - I like the Daily Celebration - maybe incorporating student birthdays, etc., I like the countdown (although I won't use the math problem), the date of course, and a focus for the day.  I also LOVE the idea of a weekly quote - especially if that quote can relate to what is happening that week in class or school.

I've been looking for quotes and designing some in Adobe inDesign that I will print on card stock and laminate to reuse each year. I thought I could share a few of the printables with you that maybe could be used in your classrooms too! How are you preparing for the new year?



  1. Laura, I love your approach to the new schedule. #LeadershipMatters

    1. Thanks, Nancy! I'm actually really excited about the change - sometimes we get comfortable and need to get out of our comfort zones to improve.
